1988 – Marchen Maze (Arcade) Casual / First level / Märchen

For being released in 1988 the game looks and plays amazing. This was a casual first level playthrough but I’m definitely going to long play this one in the future.

Märchen Maze (“märchen” means fairy tale in German) is an isometric platform/shooter game loosely based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland novels. The game’s story begins as Alice is awakened in the middle of the night by a voice from her mirror, it’s Tokei Usagi (who is the game’s equivalent of the White Rabbit), he needs Alice’s help to rescue the world of mirrors from the Dark Queen who has conquered it. Alice must knock enemies over the edge with her bubble blower through nine different worlds, collecting various power-ups, such as rabbit shields and super jump shoes, along the way. Holding down the fire button generates bigger bubbles, resulting in greater knockback strength.


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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