8-Bit Xmas 2019

There’s nothing more emblematic of the Holiday seasons than the cozy feeling you get waking to a fire and conifer brimming under with presents. That feeling of togetherness and warmth and holiday spirit shared while singing songs of the season with friends and family. That feeling of wonder as you lay in bed and imagine what goodies Santa left under your tree. Oh what fun!

It’s time for xmas break and if you hope to get any awesome gifts you better get working on letters to Santa! Study Hall 2: Xmas Break Edition is here to help…..sort of. This year we brought back NES hard*! This game will test your skills and patience, and as always we have included blinky lights. If you stare at them long enough they might help calm you down in between game overs.

*Not responsible for broken controllers.

Study Hall….2? Yep that’s right! This years xmas game is a sequel to the original Study Hall homebrew, check it out here!

This original game cartridge is built using all new parts. No donor carts were harmed in the making of this game.
If you want to play the game without buying the cart download the free rom and put it on your PowerPak or favorite emulator.

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Nintendo Entertainment System



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KHAN Games


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