Another World
Another World, known as Out of This World in North America, is a 1991 cinematic platformer action-adventure game designed by Éric Chahi. The game tells a story of Lester, a young scientist who, as a result of an experiment gone wrong, finds himself on a dangerous alien world where he is forced to fight for his survival.
An Atari Jaguar port of Another World was originally in development and planned to be published by Interplay in September 1994 but it was never released. In 2012, the Jaguar port of the game was confirmed and approved by Chahi. It was released as a limited collector’s item in cartridge form, complete with a box and manual published by the association Retro-Gaming Connexion (RGC) in 2013. The game engine was rewritten especially for the Atari Jaguar to make use of the console’s several processors: the GPU and blitter perform polygon rendering; the GPU performs on-the-fly data decompression; the DSP plays stereo music and sound effects; and the 68000 CPU performs JIT compilation and execution of the scripts. The Jaguar version is playable in the original graphics 16-color mode and Deluxe 15th Anniversary graphics 256-color mode. It can be played in normal and speed-run modes. It supports five languages: English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish.
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