Cloud Kingdoms

Baron von Bansai has stolen Terry’s precious collection of crystals, and dropped them onto 32 different kingdoms, so Terry sets off to retrieve them. Viewed from above, his challenge sees him having to progress through these worlds, collecting keys to gain access to different sections, and avoiding enemy balls and bugs by jumping them where possible. There are no ‘lives’ as such, but there’s a strict time limit of around 400 seconds for the whole game, and death puts you back to the start of the level, with time lost as well. You get an extra 80 seconds for completing each level though.

The levels feature all manner of further hazards – there are holes in the ground to avoid falling through (some visible, some hidden), arrows which force the ball in a particular direction, slippery squares making any movement’s effect exaggerated, magneted squares making it impossible to jump from, and many more. Fortunately lots of power-ups, time boosts and bonus fruits are dropped onto the levels at random intervals as well.


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Atari ST



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