Culdcept: Expansion

Culdcept Expansion is an original fantasy board game for the Japanese Playstation that was released in Japan on May 1, 1999 for 5800 yen. It is the first game of the series for the Playstation. But its predecessor was on the Sega Saturn as Culdcept. It was followed by Culdcept Expansion Plus, a slightly newer version with a map editor that was sold for 2800 yen. It will be followed by a new version on the Dreamcast, Culdcept Second.

In Culdcept, the player takes on the role of a Cepter. Cepters are beings that have the ability to use magical cards to summon creatures, cast spells, and perform various other feats of wizardry. As players advance through the game, they earn additional cards that they can use to create customised “decks” (of 50 cards) with which to better defeat their foes.

Your objective is to have collect enough magic points (MP) before your opponents do and reach the castle. You do this by controlling areas on the board with creatures that you summon. Players (called Cepters) affect each other by attacking each other’s creatures with their own. Players cannot directly attack each other, but can cast spells on each other. If you lose a battle on an opponent’s square, you must pay them (rent) as MPs.

The game has 2 game modes:
– Story Mode
– Battle Mode


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Sony Playstation


Game Type




Omiya Soft

Max Players



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