Dark Escape 3D

Dark Escape 4D is a NAMCO thriller featuring a stunning 46″ HD screen. This is one of the most interactive arcade machines we’ve ever seen, featuring actual heart rate monitors that affect the action as it unfolds. If you’re scared, your heart rate increases – and this machine knows it!

In Dark Escape 4D, players must escape from a crazy scientist’s lair, wearing 3D goggles as the horror unfolds before them. Players must destroy zombies and work strategically to escape the lair; all while being attacked by crazy, bloodthirsty un-dead enemies. These rotting corpses just keep on coming: once you despatch one, there are another three waiting behind him, just desperate to turn you into one of their own.

This NAMCO cabinet has an integrated HD screen, 5.1 surround sound speakers for each player and a range of ‘4D’ features. When you get up close to a zombie, you won’t just see and hear it; you’ll actually feel it breathing down your neck. Feel a bang? Yes, literally: the seat will actually tremble underneath you. With game-play this compelling, and effects this real, you can understand why Dark Escape 4D has been such a hit.

For an incredible sensory journey and a truly memorable experience, Dark Escape 4D is the real deal – a game that thousands of players have been desperate to try since its release.


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