Dragon Half

One of the games based on Ryuusuke Mita’s eponymous manga. The story focuses on the manga’s protagonist, a cute half-human, half-dragon girl named Mink. She is in love with a pop singer and dragon-slayer Dick Saucer; however, to win his love, Mink has to find a magical potion to turn her into a human. In the game, Mink and her friend Lufa and Pia are having a vacation on the beach, listening to Dick Saucer’s concert on the radio. When Dick mentions Mink in his “special thanks” speech, she decides to find him no matter what, even if it means changing her own nature.

This version of Dragon Half is an RPG with card-based system. The player navigates Mink, Lufa, and Pia through the top-down environments, encountering random enemies. During battles, the player selects cards for attack, healing, and other actions; there is no individual control of party members, and they also share an HP pool. The player can select several cards of the same type to increase the corresponding effect, or choose to save some of the cards for later to perform even more powerful combos.

Additional information




Fujitsu FM Towns Marty


Game Type




Micro Cabin Corp.

Max Players



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