Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures

Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures is a 3D platform game based on the Cartoon Network animated television series Ed, Edd n Eddy. It was developed by Artificial Mind and Movement, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Cartoon Network Interactive, published by Midway Games and released on November 3, 2005, for the Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, and PC. Midway announced the game on February 15, 2005.

The game follows the Eds through eight levels, referred to as scams, two of which are unlockable via gameplay and using each Ed’s special formations and abilities. In between scams, the Eds are free to roam the Cul-de-sac before heading to the next scam marker. Scams can also be replayed infinitely once they are completed. Eddy can use the El Mongo Stink Bomb, vandalize objects, and swat things with his yo-yo. His formation is the Tower-of-Eddy which can retrieve items high up and traverse narrow beams. Edd can use his sling-shot, operate machines, and smack things with his ruler. His formation is the Trampol-Edd to climb onto high areas and smash pinatas at one time. Ed can “smash stuff” with his head, pick things up and throw them, and dig in sandboxes. His formation is the Batter-Ed which can smash through things as a sort of high speed battering ram.


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Microsoft Xbox



Game Type




Behaviour Interactive


Max Players



_Edd_n_Eddy_-_The_Mis-Edventures, https://ed.fandom.com/wiki/Ed

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