Europa Sensen

The game is an historical simulation of the European and North African theaters of World War II. The game allows up to two players to role-play as Army commanders for either the Axis or Allied forces. This game emphasizes the military aspects of the war and leaves diplomacy to the politicians.

The World’s About To Change!
The year is 1939 and Hitler’s war machine is rumbling across Europe. Here’s your chance to plot the strategies that will either stop the Axis in its tracks or carry it to victory.
Take part in the war in Africa, the famous tank battles at Kursk, Battle of the Bulge, Battle for Normandy and the fight for Berlin. Give orders to your generals in the field: Patton, McAuliffe and Montgomery. Assassinate enemy commanders with special forces, have engineers lay mines and drop paratroop units into occupied cities.
The Axis is a ruthless adversary with commanders such as Rommel, Rundstedt and Manstein leading the charge. With their advanced weaponry and strong footing it won’t be easy to drive them back to Berlin.
Leave diplomacy to the politicians. Now is the time for military men to take actions into their own hands!

– Command Allied or Axis forces
– Relive 6 historical WWII battles
– Select your commander from a list that includes Patton, Rommel and Montgomery
– Sabotage supply lines to enemy cities
– Assassinate enemy commanders using special forces

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Fujitsu FM Towns Marty


Game Type




KOEI Co., Ltd.

Max Players




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