EVE: The Fatal Attraction

“Eve: The Fatal Attraction” is a chapter in EVE series, and is based on the hentai PC game Adam: The Double Factor. The sex scenes were removed, and the scenario expanded in this game up to the point of being a sequel to “Adam”.

You control the two main heroes of the game, the young careless detective Kojiroh and the sexy red-haired super-spy Marina. The events of the game are connected to their previous investigation (in Eve Burst Error). Kojiroh’s ex-girlfriend and colleague, Yayoi Katsuragi, receives a case: somebody is threatening the life of two young girls, Mika and Miki, the daughters of the owner of the powerful Andou Corporation. Naturally, Yayoi needs Kojiroh’s help, and here the investigation truly begins!

Like in other Eve games, you control two characters in two “scenarios”, and sometimes the cooperation between them is necessary. The game utilizes the same “Touchable View” that was implemented in “Adam”: you interact with the environment and with the characters not by selecting menu options, but by moving the cursor around and clicking on objects, like in Western point-and-click adventures.


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Sony Playstation


Game Type




C's Ware

Max Players



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