
Futakoi is a light novel, visual novel and anime series created by Hina Futaba and Mutsumi Sasaki. The anime series aired in Japan in 2004. It replaced Sister Princess as Dengeki G’s Magazine premier flagship title.

Futakoi is a conversation game that features over six pairs of twins. The objective is to bond with pretty young twins via what the developer calls a “twin view mode.” Players use a multiple choice system to have conversations with the girls and try to keep a perfect balance at all times. If “twin view mode” isn’t enough novelty for you, consider that Futakoi also introduces the “love junction system” — which is just a fancy term for branching storylines, of course.

The story begins with Nozomu Futami returning to the town where he was born and raised as a child. He moves in near a shrine which houses a legendary stone that was rumoured to have been the place where twin girls turned into birds. The stone is rumoured to be the cause of an abundance of twin girls who are born in the town. The twins who turned into birds did so because of their love for a man who couldn’t choose between them. Shortly after Nozomu enters town he begins to run into the same problems as six pairs of twins fight for his love.

– Nozomu Futami: The main character of the anime. He is a childhood friend of the Ichijo twins and helps the Sakurazuki twins through the “trials” set by their father.

– Sumireko Ichijo and Kaoruko Ichijo: Twin girls who are Nozomu’s childhood friends. They also attend the same school as Nozomu throughout the anime. They both harbor secret feelings for Nozomu. In kindergarten, they said they would both marry him. Although they are close, they keep their feelings secret from each other and everyone else.

– Yura Sakurazuki and Kira Sakurazuki: It is explained during the story that these twin girls lived a luxury life together in their mansion. Their father travels often and employs their butler to take care of them. They undergo many tests written out by their father so they are able to fit into society and live as normal high school girls. In the first episode, they are fifteen years old, but have never been in a convenience store. Unlike Sumireko and Kaoruko, Kira and Yura work together to win Nozomu’s favor.

– Lala Hinagiku and Lulu Hinagiku: The youngest set of twins in the series who live with Nozomu, their mother Miyabi, and pet goat Billy. They are affectionate towards Nozomu and claim him as their future husband which makes Billy jealous.

– Ui Chigusa and Koi Chigusa: Twin daughters of a veterinary doctor and in the story they help their father in the clinic. Nozomu meets them when he takes Billy to the vet clinic after he ate a fax addressed to Nozomu which got it stuck in his throat.

– Ai Momoi and Mai Momoi: The oldest of the twins appearing in the series. Ai is the teacher responsible for Nozomu’s, Kira’s, Yura’s and Keisuke’s class, while Mai is the school nurse.

– Sara Shirogane and Soju Shirogane: Twin girls who are the same in all but personality: Soju is mild-mannered and ill-bodied, whereas Sara is rougher in her speech and more energetic. Nozomu meets Soju while she was painting at the shrine, and Sara wanted him to be loyal to her. Sara herself has a love-hate relationship with Nozomu. They leave the city before the end of the series and come back at the end.

The higher priced first run special limited edition comes in a special metal case and includes a premium DVD and special stamp.


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Sony Playstation 2


Game Type




Marvelous Interactive Inc.

Max Players



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