In G.Nius the player takes the role of G.Nius, a robot, who has crash landed with his space ship. Now he has to escape the ship before it vaporizes. Unfortunately he is at the bottom of the ship, the escape is at the top, and the lift is not working. To activate the lift, G.Nius has to visit all rooms of a floor and destroy the switches. This procedure has to be repeated on every floor.
Various obstacles try to hinder his progress: traps, falling wreckage and havoc security robots cause his energy to decrease when touched. If it reaches zero, one of the three lives is lost. An additional problem are holes in the ground which bring G.Nius back to a lower floor when falling in. Additional ammo for his gun and energy can be gained by killing the security robots. An alternative way to get rid of them is to activate magnets which trap them to the ship’s wall. The rooms, shown in a half-isometric perspective, are randomly divided when starting a new game, but there is also a save option available.
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