
Galileo (ガリレオ) is a crime solving mystery adventure game based on the TV series with the same name, which featured Masaharu Fukuyama, an eccentric physics professor at the university, playing Manabu Yukawa (湯川 学), who finds himself helping Kou Shibasaki, a rookie detective focused on solving the cases that seem to have something supernatural about it, playing Kaoru Utsumi (内海 薫). The player takes control of professor Manabu Yukawa, who is also voice-acted by Masaharu Fukuyama from TV series, solving cases using reasoning but more often relying on his knowledge in physics to prove that something what was apparent as supernatural is nothing but an elaborate hoax. Typical process of solving a case consists of gathering evidence by looking for clues at the crime scenes, talking to witnesses and interrogating suspects, and figuring out how and why something was done. Various mini-games in a CSI-style are also present on occasion. At the end of each case, the player is rated on each of the steps in solving the case. While TV series spanned games often have original story or new cases, this game contains five cases that were used in the original TV series.


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Nintendo DS

Game Type




D3 Publisher


Max Players



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