Geom Cube

In the tradition of Tetris and Welltris comes Geom Cube, a puzzle game in which players maneuver 3D blocks as they fall into a pit. The twist is that players are looking down from a view directly above the pit. Each falling block can be rotated on its axis, allowing for a variety of ways to fit the puzzle pieces together. The objective is to create a solid plane of blocks in order to prevent others from piling up to the top of the playfield. Creating a plane of blocks without gaps (called a “face”) causes the blocks on that plane to disappear. There are 24 different block patterns in all, each composed of one to five cubes.

Three single-player modes are available, including a split-screen contest that lets gamers battle eight different “Geom Fighters,” with each fighter employing a different strategy. The objective is to force your opponent to the top of his pit by eliminating faces and adding them to your opponent’s pile of blocks. Or, you can win by being the first to eliminate 21 faces. The two-player mode is similar, but you’ll battle a friend instead of the computer.

Players not interested in versus competition can play “1 Player Finite,” which involves clearing up to 99 rounds, or “1 Player Infinite,” in which players strive to score as many points as possible. The latter mode lets gamers select from three different pit sizes. Unlike most games of its type, Geom Cube lacks memory card compatibility, meaning players cannot save level progress or high scores.


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Sony Playstation


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Technōs Japan


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