Giga Motion

Jackie was having an ordinary life which seemed to culminate with an intimate intercourse with his sweetheart Mika. However, shortly afterwards he met a mysterious old woman who prophesied his imminent death. He was then transferred to the magical Realm Above the Clouds populated by humans and demons alike. Jackie has to find a way to return to our world and save Mika, who is considered a powerful goddess of love among the indigenous people.

Giga Motion is a traditional Japanese-style role-playing game viewed from an isometric perspective. Enemies appear randomly and the battles are turn-based. The player controls Jackie and two female characters who eventually join the party and can use magic spells as well as physical attacks. Leveling up is done in the automatic fashion characteristic of the genre. The game features adult cutscenes, some of which are animated.

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Fujitsu FM Towns Marty


Game Type




Inter Heart

Max Players



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