Additional information
Released | |
Publisher | |
Platform | Microsoft Xbox One |
Genre | |
Cooperative | FALSE |
Developer | FreeStyleGames |
ESRB | |
Max Players | 1 |
Video URL | |
Guitar Hero is back for an encore with Guitar Hero Live, a next-generation entry in the music game franchise. Guitar Hero Live introduces two powerful ways to play, including GH Live, a first-person point of view where you are up on stage as the star of the show. A quantum leap forward in immersion and realism, GH Live is a live-action experience that delivers the full emotional roller coaster of being on stage and performing in a real band, in front of real crowds, who dynamically react in real-time to how well or poorly you play. Guitar Hero Live also introduces GHTV, the world’s first playable music video network. GHTV is a 24-hour mode that lets fans play along to a continually-updated collection of official music videos – across a wide variety of genres — from the newest releases to favorite hits.
Guitar Hero Live enhances the gameplay experience by introducing a modern, redesigned guitar controller, featuring two rows of three buttons that better reflects the way people naturally play. The new format ensures fun for players of all abilities, with easier play for beginners and harder, more technical play for veterans to master.
Released | |
Publisher | |
Platform | Microsoft Xbox One |
Genre | |
Cooperative | FALSE |
Developer | FreeStyleGames |
ESRB | |
Max Players | 1 |
Video URL | |
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