Happy Wars

Happy Wars is a free-to-play, class-based action RPG game where the player can participate in 15-on-15 battles involving other players and/or bots in fantasy worlds with the goal of storming their enemies’ castle and knock down their tower. To do this, the other team must either break through the castle gate with siege weapons or use ladders to ascend the walls and breach the castle. Once in they have to tear down the Big Tower to emerge victorious. Each team’s castle however has defense weapons such as explosives, cannons and ballistas to ward off attackers.

If a team has not breached the other’s castle by the end of the time limit then the game is decided by how many towers each team possesses by the end of the match. They can range from one to seven depending upon the map size and they also function as spawn points for teams. If each team has the same amount of towers by the end of the game it will be sent into sudden death and the first team to build the winning tower wins the match.

There are three classes to choose from, Warrior, Cleric and Mage, each with their own set of weapons, items and skills. Warriors are frontline soldiers who charge into battle with swords and shield, attempting to bash their way through the enemy. Cleric is more of a support role and can heal and even resurrect fallen allies as well as build siege weapons. Mages are the magic class which can enchant an ally’s weapon to be more destructive and can cast devastating spells upon the enemy team and have no shield unlike the Warrior and Cleric. Instead they can fire range spells to ward off attackers.

There are three sets of skills with three different slots (9 in total), each different for their respective class and they are unlockable in the game randomly through experience points the player earns by defeating enemies, building or destroying siege weapons and towers. Warriors can unleash devastating attacks as well as throw rocks to disorient enemies, Clerics can heal allies and summon materials for siege weapons and Mages can enchant weapons as well as call in devastating range attacks. Additionally there is a Team Skill which requires several allies to work, Warriors can use rush a crowd of enemies with a group, Clerics can teleport groups of allies to friendly towers and they even have a spell that will turn their enemies into flowers for instant hit kills. Mages can call in devastating meteor strikes and tornadoes that can ravage a massive area on the battlefield.

Players can customize up to three different characters for each class and equip them with weapons, armor, shields and accessories they unlock in battles. Depending upon their performance and level the player is, the better the item will be. Items can be buffed and leveled up by using lower grade weapons to give them special abilities and more devastating power and damage. While the player can unlock these items in game, they can also buy them using the in-game currency and get premium items.

The currency of the game consists of Happy Stars and Happy Tickets with stars being acquired through games and the amount depending upon their performance. The player can use these stars in a game called The Happy Spinner where they can bet up to 900 stars and receive weapons, shields, armor, etc. Happy Tickets are bought through Microsoft points and are used to buy premium items through Happy Cards which will give the player a random set of items, from common to rare.

In July of 2013, an update was added where it added mission objectives in which the player would be rewarded with Happy Stars, Weapons and even Happy Tickets for completing certain objectives from completing the tutorial to leveling up a character to buffing weapons. Additionally a new class was added called the Berserker, a warrior class that uses dual weapons instead of a shield and has new attacks such as double spin attack, blade throw and a rage yell that increases damage for a short period of time.


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Microsoft Xbox One


Game Type




Toylogic Inc.


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