Harukaze Sentai V-Force

Harukaze Sentai V-Force story revolves around the lives and dramas of three girls who are charged with saving the world and repelling alien invaders. The main game is a strategy simulation where you control the crack trio of mech-driving girls who go on roughly 40 different missions. The missions take place on the planet and escalate into full scale campaigns that take place in outer space. A variety of beautifully done animation sequences move the in-game story along and complement the action well. The sequences are high quality and are spread out over the game’s 3 CD-Roms. V-Force is a familiar mix of strategy and animation that we have seen in a number of other products released in Japan for the Saturn and Playstation.

The view in the strategy portion of the game is an isometric one where you move your battle units on a grid overlay. Each phase will have you moving, fighting and defending, depending on your situation.

During a campaign, you will have intermittent conversations and data relayed to you via a spatial com-link that floats above the main battle screen. The chatter sets up mission goals and objectives.


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Sony Playstation



Game Type





Max Players



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