Hoshi no Suna Monogatari 2

The second entry in the adult detective/mystery series describes another case in the life of the young amateur detective and nearly professional seducer of pretty women, Gengorou Imai. The stage of events is once again a boarding house in the country, this time in the winter season, with skiing and other attractions. Gen is having a good time with the young, but “demanding” Reiko Honda, when the news strike: a family friend, a young foreigner named Eddie, is stabbed by an unknown assailant. The only clue Gen can find right away are strange letters written in blood: H and O. What do they mean? Why would anyone want to harm the young boy? With the help of the many pretty girls at the boarding house and its surroundings, Gen begins the investigation, determined to find the criminal…

Hoshi no Suna Monogatari 2 plays almost identically to the first game, the only interface-related difference being the addition of a mouse. Otherwise, the player follows the same procedure: look at everything; talk to everyone; find the items needed to advance the investigation; ask the right person the right question, and show the right item to the right person – all done by selecting commands and topics from the extensive verb menu.

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Fujitsu FM Towns Marty


Game Type




D.O. Corp.

Max Players



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