Itadaki Street: Watashi no Omise ni Yottette

Itadaki Street is a digital board game similar to Monopoly, from the creator of Dragon Quest, Yuji Horii. Much like its inspiration, players take turns moving around the board, which is divided into districts made up of multiple properties. Landing on a property allows you to buy it, and owning multiple properties in the same district increases their value, but landing on a property owned by another player forces you to pay them based on the property’s value.

A key element is the ability to invest in districts by purchasing stock, even if the player owns no property in that district, which increases the value of those properties and gives the player a cut of any transactions involving that district. There is also a roulette mini-game, and a chance board there players can pick random prizes. The goal is to be the first player to amass a certain amount of net worth, then return to the bank. Up to four players can play at once, with computer players filling in any empty slots. There are 7 different characters and five different board layouts to choose from.

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Nintendo Entertainment System


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