Kasei Monogatari

Kasei Monogatari’s plot revolves around Phobos, a young boy with a spirit for adventure and a love for tinkering with anything mechanical. In the beginning of the game, Phobos has his own garage workshop on the outskirts of the town of Aroma, and his main goal is to complete a land rover that he has been working on.

Upon its completion, Phobos and two of his friends take the land rover out for a celebratory test drive around town. As they reach the center of town, however, panicking townspeople alert the trio to the fact that some robot has gone haywire in the middle of town and is attacking everything in sight. Phobos, being an extremely conscientious boy, goes to try to stop the robot. As the trio confronts the robot, it immediately blows their land rover to pieces.

After a long battle, Phobos is able to overcome the robot. As he surveys the damage in the wake of the robot’s onslaught, he learns that the robot is from the distant (and advanced) city of Kangarian. In order to get to the bottom of this mystery, Phobos decides to travel to Kangarian, and so his quest begins.

The game is broken up into 30 episodes, and after each episode ends, the player is treated to a short omake theater stick puppet show involving characters from the game. Each episode also begins with a narrated recap of the previous episode. The main character (Phobos) travels back and forth between time periods during his quest.


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Sony Playstation


Game Type




Japan Vistec


Max Players



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