Kinetic Connection

The Game Gear version of Kinetic Connection has been rearranged a lot from the original version released 5 years earlier to cope with a smaller screen and Sega’s taste in motifs.

As the original version, Kinetic Connection is a jigsaw puzzle game, where the pieces are animated. This makes putting the pieces together to form the overall picture both more interesting and more difficult, since the player can not analyse each piece at his own pace when the entire puzzle is moving about. Pieces also need to be flipped around both on the X and Y axis in order to fit together.

The game has 7 puzzles, some of which are carried over from the earlier versions but mostly new ones designed with Sega characters. Due to the small screen, the pieces are not kept in a box at the bottom of the screen as in the original Kinetic; instead they are all placed out on the grid already, in a random order. Each puzzle can be played in three different modes:

Mode 1 lets the player swap pieces around as he likes. Mode 2 lacks one piece and lets the player slide pieces around as in a sliding puzzle. Mode 3 lets the player slide entire rows and columns around in the puzzle. The two second modes call for much more thought when solving the moving puzzles.

The game has numerous cameos from Opa-Opa of Fantasy Zone fame.


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Sega Game Gear


Game Type






Max Players



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