La-Mulana EX

La-Mulana is a remake of the original La-Mulana released in 2005. It is an explorable platformer / metroidvania, or, as described by the authors “Archaeological Ruin Exploration Action Game” with hardcore difficulty of platforming action and puzzles. The vast world of the original game was rebuilt from the ground up with various tweaks made to the gameplay and presentation:
Visually the game now resembles 32-bit 2D games of PlayStation and Sega Saturn era;
The soundtrack was rearranged with different instruments in tone with the new presentation;
Many puzzles were altered to be more accessible and some were removed all together, while the difficulty of the actual gameplay was generally increased;
The location of many items was modified; new rooms, enemies and items were added;
New sub-bosses were added; many of earlier sub-bosses and all the Guardian bosses were significantly modified (both in terms of presentation and behaviour patterns);
In-game software system was tweaked, all references to classic MSX games were removed);
Many control issues and minor gameplay elements were corrected based on players’ feedback.
This remake was first released on Nintendo’s WiiWare service. Due to the file-size limitations it didn’t include the optional content – Hell Temple area and Time Attack mode, which were later available as additional download in Japan. The later PC port includes this content within the base game. The PS Vita version, called La-Mulana EX, features further improvements to the gameplay as well as new bestiary and rearrangement of several item placements.

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Sony Playstation Vita



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