Additional information
Released | |
Publisher | |
Platform | Arcade |
Genre | |
Game Type | |
Cooperative | TRUE |
Developer | Sega AM1 |
ESRB | |
Max Players | 2 |
Video URL | |
Last Survivor is one of the first examples of a 3D third-person shooter, and involves players traversing a maze shooting at opponents. It pre-dates experiments by id Software (often credited for inventing the first person shooter genre) by two years. It relies on rotary joystick controllers, and had then-revolutionary ray-casting graphics. As an early example of the genre, its gameplay is slower and less fluid than modern third person shooters.
Released | |
Publisher | |
Platform | Arcade |
Genre | |
Game Type | |
Cooperative | TRUE |
Developer | Sega AM1 |
ESRB | |
Max Players | 2 |
Video URL | |
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