Ma Dolomiti Dragon Solazur Kingdom

The Puzzle & Dragons Battle Tournament arcade game was released in collaboration with Square Enix on April 24, 2014.

Gameplay in Battle Tournament is similar to the mobile game. The player uses a team of monsters and solves a tile-matching puzzle to determine how powerful their monsters’ attacks are, and can activate their monsters’ active skills during play for various effects and choose one monster to serve as team leader to use the passive leader skill. However, several changes were made to suit the arcade version, which uses the NESiCA smart card to save playing data for individual players. The puzzle is now on an 8-by-5 grid, allowing for greater movement and combos. The player’s team of monsters consists only of their leader monster, three sub members, and a friend monster, however the player can also choose three reserve monsters that they can switch into play. Players choose avatars to play through the game’s story mode as well as its online mode to play against other players in real time, and these avatars have their own active skills that can be used during play. Monsters’ HP is not pooled, and individual monsters can be temporarily knocked out of play if they lose all HP. If more damage is dealt by the player’s monsters when any have run out of HP, then the opponent receives direct damage. When either player’s HP runs out, they lose the match. Throughout play, players can obtain special items used to either evolve their collected monsters or to use the game’s Rare Egg Machine to obtain new monsters.

The first version of the game was subtitled Lazul Kingdom and Madoromi Dragon. An update subtitled Champions of Lazul was released nationwide on November 26, 2014.


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Taito Type X


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GungHo Online Entertainment


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