Magical Tetris Challenge

Magical Tetris Challenge featuring Mickey is a wonderful puzzle game for the whole family. With the intricate puzzles of Tetris and the magical appeal of Mickey Mouse, Capcom has created a game that families can enjoy together. The puzzle elements can be set on easy for a novice or young person and on expert for that jaded gamer called mom or dad. This is no boring kids game: it is fast, fun and furious puzzle action with a soft edge.

In the adventure mode the player must choose a Disney character to play. Then, you will race the other cartoon characters in a scavenger hunt for coins that are marked with the number that has been assigned to your character. Most coins can only be collected by winning Tetris matches against other characters, and it’s a real race against time to get all the coins you need to win.

Success in the adventure mode grants access to more variations of the standard game–like the ultra-challenging Signal Tetris–and a variety of mind-bending fixed puzzles.

* Compete against famous Disney characters in challenging games of Tetris
* Many variations of the original game
* Classic fast-paced Tetris with a Disney storyline
* Race against the other Disney characters in a scavenger hunt for coins


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Sony Playstation


Game Type





Max Players



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