Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo

Maria 2 – Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo is the sequel to Maria, and is also a psychological thriller set inside a detailed 3-D world that you’ll have to explore. Reminiscent of games such as D and Torico in style and execution.

A junior journalist, Maria Kunimota, of SNN TV visit a biologist (Dr. Kyosuke Amon) for an interview, he tell her different kind of things about his investigations and gave her a disk, after that she talk to the Dr assistant (Makoto Kageyama) as she start to know him she feels attracted for his personality and interesting story. He took her back to the TV station in his car and they almost got a car accident.

That night after having dinner with her friend (Sakura Zawa Hinako) she returns to her home and see in the news said that the Dr.Amon has been found dead and that Makoto is the suspect, a few minutes later Makoto appears in her home and Maria decide to start an investigation to find who did it, but as she become to start the investigation she will find that there is a more complicated conspiracy after that.


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Sony Playstation


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