Medal of Honor: Underground

The year is 1940, and the conquering force of the Third Reich has invaded France. Nazi Germany has marched into Paris and claimed the once proud nation as its own in its further quest for domination of Europe. The allied forces won’t be coming to liberate France any time soon, as they have their hands full protecting Great Britain. The perception that the French have simply let Hitler walk into their country without a fight has not endeared the rest of the war-torn world to the cause.

As a young woman named Manon Batiste, you will be thrust into the world of intrigue and violence that is World War II doing all you can to save your beloved homeland by joining the OSS and traveling the world as a member of the French Underground, taking out Gestapo thugs and the SS so that you might become a seasoned veteran and aid in the ultimate liberation of your nation.

Medal of Honor: Underground is the prequel to 1999’s popular Medal of Honor, the first-person shooter that threw you into the turmoil of WWII and up against the Nazis. This prequel is designed on the same 3D engine as the first, only this time players will be wrapped up in the French Underground, making their way through the Underground and assaulting Nazi outposts in France, Egypt and other foreign locations.

The focus of the game is the single-player campaign, which will pit the player, controlling Manon, against all manner of Nazi militia. When players begin one of the 24 different missions, they will be given briefings detailing the objective of that specific operation, be it finding a specific target to assassinate or locating plans and objects that will aide the Underground in its fight against Hitler.

The developers have attempted to fill each locale with the realism of the actual global conflict. To this effect, you will have computer-controlled compatriots who will occasionally fight alongside you, as well as enemies who possess realistic damage models, where head and chest shots do far more damage than shots to the extremities. Also, each of the twelve weapons contained in the game are authentic to the era and place of combat.

The game will also occasionally allow you to hop into enemy vehicles, such as tanks and motorcycles. You can take pictures of enemies and use them with your own faked credentials to beat border guards and snooping storm troopers. Beyond the single-player game, Medal of Honor: Underground also features multiplayer play for two people, letting them choose different environments from the game to do battle in.


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Sony Playstation


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Dreamworks Interactive


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