Pokémon Magikarp’s Adventure

You’re an undercover agent who is there to find out where/why all the Magikarps have gone. When you arrive at your new base, you meet up with your superior, who fills you in on your objective and the new leads that they have found out already. You are the last resort… For a bad reason, though. It’s why they didn’t want to call you in. But since they lost their last agent for an unknown reason, that you’ll find out soon enough, they had no other choice.

Now you’ve got your mission, you have to explore, talk to people and find the secrets of the Ancient Magikarps by training them. But, ah wait, there isn’t a Pokémon game out there that doesn’t have a main team to destroy… So who could possibly want to stop you saving the Magikarps? You probably didn’t guess it so I’ll just tell you: The Ignorant Hippies! Yep that’s who will try to stop you from completing your mission. Because of their ignorance they can’t see that you are trying to help the Magikarp crisis and not make it any worse. They believe that anyone who has a Magikarp is going to sell it off for a very high price due to there not being a lot of them around.

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Nintendo Game Boy Advance


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