Refrain Love 2

Refrain Love 2 is the sequel to Refrain Love and the game was also released for PC with the name of PC Game Best Series Vol. 61: Refrain Love 2.

As in the first game in Refrain Love 2 the player is a new student in town, and he goes to live with other young students in a residence. Differences with the first game is that in this one the player doesn’t choose what his character is going to do during the week, he can only choose which girl he is going to date, places to visit during the weekend, date places, etc. Another important difference is that in Refrain Love when the player character is in the residence the player can go to any part of the building using a 3d engine and move around the place with total freedom, so he can knock in the girls doors and talk to them.

The game features also different endings depending of the decissions that the player make during the game.


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Sony Playstation


Game Type




Riverhill Soft Inc.

Max Players



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