Rosario to Vampire Capu 2: Koi to Yume no Rhapsodia

Rosario + Vampire is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story revolves around Tsukune Aono, a boy who accidentally gets enrolled in a school inhabited by monsters and demons. He quickly befriends Moka Akashiya, a vampire who soon develops an obsession with his blood, and later meets other girls who soon take a romantic liking to him.

Tsukune Aono is a normal high school teenager, who is unable to get into any private school due to his poor grades. However, with the help from his parents, he gets enrolled to a private school called Yokai Academy. When he arrives at the school, he soon discovers that Yokai Academy is a secret private school for supernatural monsters and mythological creatures disguised as humans, and any human who finds out about its existence will eventually be killed without mercy. Realizing this problem, Tsukune fears for his life, thinking that his admission into Yokai Academy is a mistake. His luck soon changes when he quickly becomes friends with a beautiful girl Moka Akashiya, who turns out to be a vampire, attracted to the sweet taste of his blood, sometimes biting Tsukune on the neck when the chance seems right.

Rosario to Vampire Capu 2 – Koi to Yume no Rhapsodia: The cast of Rosario to Vampire are perfectly agreeable archetypes to be used in a romance adventure game and that’s what they’re doing this summer.

The game opens up on a street scene where Moka Akashiya is standing between two buildings next to a brute. The protagonist is a new character who gets entangled in the world of Youkai Academy where the students are all monsters. Thanks to a swipe from the brute, Moka falls and gets her knee scraped in the early sequence of the game before heading to school. Once at school, a procession of characters from the manga/anime serial appear and provide banter and drama. The voice actresses from the animated series were tapped to provide the speech in the game and their performances are emotive as well as expressive.

Note however that the protagonist’s voice isn’t heard and only his green-tinted speech bubble appears to show his commentary on each scenario. Players interact and perhaps go on a date with the various characters such as Moka, Kokoa Shuzen (redheaded half-sibling of Moka), Yukari Sendou (witch), Kurumu Kurono (blue-haired lassie), and Mizore Shirayuki (girl with purple hair).

The limited edition of the game includes a booklet, a reversible strap, and mini posters featuring characters from the game.


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Sony Playstation 2


Game Type




Compile Heart

Max Players



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