Shadow Assault: Tenchu

Shadow Assault: Tenchu is a puzzle-action game set in the Tenchu series.

In Shadow Assault: Tenchu, players take on the role of one of the many characters from the Tenchu series, each with their own speed and weight stats affecting their movement. The goal is to place traps and use level hazards such as spike pits and boulders, or items such as throwing stars to take out opponents. In the single-player modes, the players are given a specific mission objective for each level, these range from Assassinating a specified target, Annihilating all the opponents in the level and Infiltrating a specific spot in the stage without being seen, all within a specific time limit.

Players will have to manage their HP and Ninja Weapon, which can be found on the stage. Ninja weapons are found in several varieties; traps, attacks, power-ups and special finisher moves. Trap type weapons can be placed on the levels and they can be chained to deal more damage and fetch higher scores, for example, by having a spring trap push an enemy into a spear pit.

In the multiplayer modes, Survival and Point Race, players must set traps for each other and avoid stepping into other players’ traps to not lose points. The last standing player or player with the highest score wins in each mode respectively.


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Microsoft Xbox 360



Game Type




FromSoftware, Inc.


Max Players




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