Shin Sangoku Musou VS

Shin Sangoku Musou VS (真・三國無双 VS, Shin Sangoku Musou Versus) is the second portable Dynasty Warriors spin-off title produced by Kenichi Ogasawara – the other being Dynasty Warriors Next. It uses Dynasty Warriors 7 characters and visuals as its base.

Ogasawara claims this title is being made as a direct contrast to Samurai Warriors Chronicles –– which he thinks sticks closely to the basic Warriors formula –– by striving to present a unique portable experience. He wants to keep the heart of Nintendo’s competitive games (e.g. Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.) while simultaneously presenting a warlike, action intensive experience. He thinks the cutthroat nature of the game is a spiritual callback to the series’ roots.

Consumers who purchased the game early can earn several different costumes for their edit characters depending on the date and method of purchase.

A trial version of the versus mode in this game has been available in Japan since April 4. Cao Pi, Sun Shangxiang, Zhao Yun, and Wang Yuanji are selectable. Players can earn points to obtain bonuses which they can use for their hard copy of the game.


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Nintendo 3DS


Game Type




Koei Tecmo Games

Max Players



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