SpeedX 3D

Speedx 3D is an action game where the player races through a tunnel at high speeds. The player views the tunnel from a first-person perspective and steers with use of the phone’s accelerator. The tunnel is full of blocks and other obstacles that the player has to avoid crashing into. The goal of the game is simply to survive as long as possible. The race doesn’t always go through tunnels, at times it transforms to a flat surface and sometimes the player finds himself racing on the outside of the tunnel.

The player can collect bonuses that he comes across at the track. Each bonus can be used once and it’s only possible to have one at a time. They are activated simply by touching the screen (except for the shields which are automatically activated). The bonuses available are shields (orange fields on the track) that can be used to destroy obstacles, quakes (red fields) that destroy all visible obstacles, time dilatation (blue fields) that slows down the game and freezes moving objects, and space folds (green fields) that end hazard zones. Hazards includes blackouts where the tunnel is rendered in negative, gravity wells that limits the visibility and distorts the vision, dark nebulas where the cubes are in negative, hue shifts that are full of different colors, and plasma clouds where the player can collide with a vortex that resets all bonuses.


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Nintendo 3DS


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