Spelunker II: Yuusha e no Chousen
In the old days, humans and fairies lived together peacefully in a world of light known as Fairyland. At one time, the evil god known as Gala cast a spell on mankind, causing them to forget all about the fairies and cast them out of Fairyland. In the desolate land of the human world, humans toiled and labored and forgot all about the fairies existence.
A thousand years later, human discovered a series caves which contained underground treasure in pyramids. Among the treasures were old documents written by those who had once lived in Fairyland. It is said that if one could rescue three hidden fairies, the connection between the human world and fairyland would be restored. Many adventurers answered the call and set out on a quest to discover the locations of these hidden fairies to be the first to glimpse the world of light after a thousand years.
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