
In 1999, Superman: The New Adventures was released on the Nintendo 64 by Titus Software, a now-defunct French based studio. Superman 64 was met with alot of negative attention and reception, for being buggy, frustrating, having bad controls and having bad graphics and textures. The game did sell very well. However, another studio called BlueSky Software, was working on a PS1 port of the N64 game. It was going to be a downright port of the N64 version. However, since the PS1 couldn’t handle the free-roaming Metropolis city, BlueSky had to re-create the game from scratch. It was going to be published by Titus.
A demo was made and shown to the Playstation Museum. The game was fully developed, there were magazine ads, pre-orders and it got officialy licensed by Sony. However, BlueSky lost rights to the Superman franchise, forcing them to cancel the game, in order to avoid copyright issues.


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Sony Playstation

Game Type




BlueSky Software


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