Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack

Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack is a 2D puzzle platformer about an alien, mutant blob who manages to escape from a store where they are sold to humans. Through six large worlds (College, Town, Moon, Badlands, Army Base and Metropolis), with multiple levels each, the blob needs to complete levels and optionally free captured blobs along the way. The game has a bright visual style inspired by 50’s art and corresponding music, and uses a lot of B-movie-inspired humor with many references to other indie games in the background environment.

The blob can move left and right and jump. While in the air a dash can be performed to quickly move down, also to destroy objects below. Levels are usually split up in smaller sections with multiple checkpoints, locked through a cork. In order to pass, the blob needs to absorbs various objects along the way to grow to the required size. Similar to the Katamari games certain items can only be absorbed when a certain size has been reached. As a blob it is also able to squeeze through narrow passages.

Various gameplay elements are introduced gradually. Through telekinesis certain objects such as platforms can be moved. In sections with magnetism it is possible to stick to magnetic surfaces or repel from them by changing polarity, gaining boost. There are also sections where the blob can be moved freely around the environment, boosting around in any direction with a more powerful boost to gain speed. Next to the main levels various mini-game levels can be unlocked where courses need to be completed. Depending on the objects sometimes multiple hits can be taken and health is recharged at the next checkpoint. Various small blue orbs can be eaten to reach a high score, tracked on global leaderboards. Blob friends are hidden in each level where they can be freed.

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Sony Playstation Vita



Game Type




Drinkbox Studios



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