The Crayon Factory

The Crayon Factory is an educational children’s game for ages 3 through 7. In the game players explore the Crayon Factory and have fun and learn along the way.

Players can enjoy a virtual tour of the factory narrated by Shari Lewis (Isa Hoes for the Dutch version), but this tour can also be skipped to jump right into the interactive mode. Here players can play games such as repairing pipes or gears. This game focuses on puzzle solving, pattern recognition, spatial rotation and hand-eye coordination.

Another game requires the player to fill packages with one crayon of each colour. In the quality control game players have to inspect boxes with a magnifying glass to check for colour patterns.

Players can also mix colours and learn how secondary colours are created.

With each game the players can achieve expert status. This is usually when performing the task correctly for a large number of times. When the expert status is reached a parent can print out a certificate.

In addition to the games there are 34 drawings to colour either ingame or after printing.


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Philips CD-i



Game Type




Philips Sidewalk Studio


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