The Hybrid Front

In the 24th century, an galactic trading empire called CoCoON was created through the merger of six large corporations. This company had greater control over operations in space than any government, and even had their own army. They declared war on the Earth… and won.

Now, in the 26th century, Earth has fallen into ruin, with the governing body PETO under the complete control of CoCoON. All forms of weaponry were outlawed on Earth for anything other than government use, but mercenary groups, simply known as “couriers”, have sprung up to transport illicit military goods.

The Hybrid Front is a sci-fi turn-based strategy game where the player takes control of a team of mercenary couriers. The game plays much like Daisenyaku or Advance Wars, featuring grid-based movement with a multitude of unit and terrain types. Different types of units have varying effectiveness against other units and different terrain types.

Each mission has a specific victory condition that must be met; this may be as simple as destroying a target, but may also require a certain number of units escaping to safety, or protecting a specific point. The game features a strong emphasis on the scenario, with dialogue sequences throughout each mission and a detailed encyclopedia mode featuring information on the cast and the weaponry.


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Sega Genesis


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