Time Ace

In Time Ace, the player takes control of an eccentric inventor, Dr. Hugo Clock, in the year 1914 who invents a time machine and travels three years into the future, straight into the first World War. Upset by witnessing devastation that the first World War will cause, he is determined to stop it at all costs, however, his backstabbing assistant Dr. Klaus Scythe takes the time machine and plans to acquire weapons from the future to rule the world for himself and it is up to Dr. Clock to stop him.

The main idea of the game is to fly in 3-D modeled planes, ranging from World War II fighter planes, to modern day jet fighters and up to space fighters of the future. There are 19 levels to explore, picking up various power-ups scattered throughout the level to upgrade armor, firepower and speed.

There is also multiplayer ability using Wi-Fi where players can dogfight head-to-head in the plane of their choice or four players can play in a variety of minigames like racing.


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Nintendo DS



Game Type




The Farm 51


Max Players



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