Tir et But: Edition Champions du Monde

Tir et but: Édition champion du monde is an adaptation of the dice football game created by Michel Bouchet. It simulates football matches through players taking turns to throw dice for attack and defense moves. Combinations are formed through multiple throws of three blue dice (attack). Further gameplay also involves a white one (more risk through double or nothing), a green one, and a red one (defense). The concept borrows some elements from poker dice with risk assessment based on retaining dice after the first throw. The gameplay involves different types of shots, but also penalties and foul cards (causing a player to wait a turn).

At the start of the game the original or the arcade mode needs to be chosen. In the original mode all actions are shown on a stadium board, while the arcade mode shows the actual shots and the keeper’s defense. Further options then include training, a versus game, a friendly match or a full cup. In the training mode shots can be practiced as in a regular football game, by timing a button press for power and then determining a direction for the shot. Each type of shot (lob, volley, penalty …) has slightly different game mechanics, with both offensive and defensive sides. The game includes a selection of French teams and countries playing in the World Cup. The versus mode can be played against another player using a Link cable.

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Nintendo Game Boy Advance


Game Type




Titanium Studios


Max Players



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