Venus Senki

Venus Senki (“The Venus Wars”) is based on The Venus Wars manga series written and illustrated by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko. The game takes place during the year 2089, long after humans have taken settlement on neighboring planet Venus and focuses on a war between three factions for control of the planet.

The player assumes the role of the Hound biker gang, who have taken it upon themselves to defend the nearby Io City from encroaching forces from the Ishtar Empire. With eight attack vehicles that resemble futuristic hoverbikes and two transport vehicles which repair the bikes and replenish their ammo, the squad moves from destination to destination repelling the Ishtar forces.

Gameplay varies between turn-based strategy on the overworld map to a vehicular combat mode when engaging in close combat. The goal of these sequences is to eliminate all the enemy’s craft as they fly or drive towards the player, using a finite supply of missiles and an endless supply of bullets. A certain number of special enemy types, usually purple in color, need to be destroyed for the unit to disappear from the strategic map.

Role-playing elements also take precedence with the player’s ability to level-up and gain experience from fights. Characters can be viewed between missions to check on their progress.

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Nintendo Entertainment System



Game Type




Human Entertainment


Max Players



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