Virtua Fighter Animation
Virtua Fighter Animation is an one-on-one 2D fighting game based on the Virtua Fighter anime series. It has two game modes: story and versus.
In the story mode, the player follows the anime’s plot, with anime style cutscenes before and after each fight. The story is divided in acts, each one of them corresponding to one fight.
The versus mode allows players to choose any of the seven available characters to fight against the CPU. In the two player versus game, Kage-Maru is removed from the character selection.
The Game Gear version has 3 different viewing modes: Normal, Large and Real-Time. The Normal viewing mode shows the fighters from a more distant position (smaller sprites) than the Large mode (larger sprites). The Real-Time mode simulates the zooming camera effects from the other Virtua Fighter games, alternating between the Normal and Large modes. It also has an extended intro sequence, with anime style cutscenes.
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