Voice Paradice Excella

Voice Paradice Excella is an adventure game that features 3 alien girls that arrives to our planet and they want to be heroins here, to do that they will go around town fighting againts evil people.

The gameplay is most of the time taking place in the town map, where the player select a location and sometimes depending if one of the heroins is there an event will happen, the event are different since in some of them an evil alien creature appears and to advance the player have to answer 8 questions in a quiz game, in this quiz game the player can only fail 3 times or he will have to play against him again. In other events they will meet different town people, etc.

During the game there will be some anime movies showing the 3 heroins doing different things. The gameplay is all in first person mode since the characters will only appear in those anime sequences.

The CD2 is a special Data-Base featuring lots of videos of the voice actresses (Nagashima Yuko and four other Japanese voice actresses) during the making of the game.


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Sony Playstation


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