After the “Great Sell Off” I had recently, I made time to really reorganize the …

After the “Great Sell Off” I had recently, I made time to really reorganize the game room since everything is now PlayStation centric. Figured I’d share some pics of the updated room. Upgraded from the 65″ to an 85″ TV with soundbar and got a new entertainment center to give it a cleaner look under the TV. Moved all the consoles to one side and all the games to the other. Really focused on getting all my favorite franchises enough room on each shelf to display them properly. Probably my favorite is the mascots side, I had the statues boxed for years with no way to properly display them, and finally was able to get all the extras displayed like the magazines and sealed stuff.

This post has been captured from our very own retro gaming group over at FB

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I love it all!! 😍 😍

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  1. This is a PlayStation fans wet dream holy shit

  2. This is an awesome collection but you’re missing one thing to complete it. The KDL-22PX300 PS2 TV

  3. Not a bad set up Mike Ferguson

  4. Nice ratchet and jak figure I want one

  5. I share mine with you, it is small but I try to make it look good.

  6. All that and you’re on one of the worst games if all time πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

  7. Ben Palmer was there much aggro/cost in getting those “neon” signs made? They look awesome!

  8. Is that the ps5 2022 days of play controller πŸ€”

  9. Love the room man especially all the special ps4 editions

  10. You Outdid Yourself With This One πŸ‘πŸΏ

  11. I want to be just like you when I grow up

  12. Bro this is insane! Where to start haha freakin legit πŸ€˜πŸ€™

  13. Wow see all that hard works pays off for real. I love how you got all the ps4 3 and 2 lined up so cool

  14. This is amazing! Love the ratchet and clank set up πŸ§‘πŸ’›

  15. Cam Riley how I’m trying to be!!



  18. I think you might be an Xbox fan

  19. Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick this what I was talking about

  20. Hey bro sorry to burst your bubble but man your room way to much clutter and to busy for me I like mine plain and simple

  21. Tell me you love PlayStation without telling me you love PlayStation lol sick setup!

  22. Looks quality. Where’s the Ratchet and Clank figure from?!

  23. This is most epic room I ever saw on here

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