Altered Beast [Genesis] Review & Longplay [1988]

Altered Beast: A Timeless Sega Genesis Classic That Defined an Era

In the golden age of 16-bit gaming, few titles captured the raw essence of Sega’s ambitious vision quite like Altered Beast. Released as a launch title for the Sega Genesis in 1989, this arcade port became synonymous with the console’s early identity. The iconic phrase “Rise from your grave!” still echoes in the memories of countless gamers who experienced this mythological beat ’em up adventure.

I’ll never forget the first time I encountered the Sega Genesis at my friend George’s house around 1991. He had Altered Beast, and from that moment forward, I was completely fascinated by the Sega Genesis. The game’s striking visuals and the console’s technical prowess created an impression that would last a lifetime.

Developer Background
Developed by Sega’s AM1 team (later known as Sega AM1) and led by director Makoto Uchida, Altered Beast began its life as an arcade cabinet in 1988 before making the crucial transition to Sega’s 16-bit home console. The development team aimed to showcase the Genesis hardware capabilities through detailed character sprites, smooth animations, and the system’s enhanced color paletteā€”features that were revolutionary compared to the 8-bit offerings of the time.

Sega’s strategic decision to bundle Altered Beast with the Genesis in North America proved instrumental in establishing the console’s mature gaming identity, directly challenging Nintendo’s family-friendly approach. This port was handled with remarkable attention to detail, managing to capture much of what made the arcade version special while making necessary adjustments for home play.

For more information about Sega’s development history during this pivotal era, visit their official company archives.

Technical Presentation
Visually, Altered Beast was nothing short of revolutionary for its time. The game featured large, detailed character sprites that showcased the Genesis’s superior graphical capabilities compared to its 8-bit predecessors. Each of the protagonist’s transformations was rendered with impressive detail, from the muscular werewolf to the fearsome dragon form.

The backgrounds, while somewhat repetitive by modern standards, employed effective parallax scrolling techniques that created a sense of depth unusual for side-scrolling games of the era. Each level featured distinct visual the…. Read the rest at


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One comment

  1. Altered beast, that was the game that shops would have on amigas just as they where becoming the computer to have to entice people into buying one.

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