Amazing streets of rage remake feels like one of the best beat em’ ups of all time (its free)

We found an amazing remake of Streets of Rage that everyone should play. Starting as a small fan project in 2003, it has blown up and into a huge remake of the ultimate beat em ups of our generation.

After 16 years of development there are well over a hundred stages and all of the characters from the first three games are present with new moves. Every aspect of this game has been remastered with new characters playable and more enemies than I have ever seen inside a game.

V5 is the final version, with no planned future revisions.
The author of the game is not working on, nor intends to, engage in new projects from what we have read.

Please check this game out. I could not find the original website but there is a forums still active where I have been linked to the game. Because the download sites may not be trusted I will not link to them but rather to the community forum:

This game was not reverse engineered. I have yo say there isn’t a single line of code from the original games in here. This truly is a free and beautiful game to enjoy, so please do just that.

In the video I have played through the first level. I feel strongly about it, so I should be doing a full playthrough soon.


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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