BioShock 2 Remastered [PS4] Review and Longplay [2016]

Bioshock Remastered: An Underwater Utopia Revisited

When it burst onto the scene in 2007, “Bioshock” was hailed as a masterpiece of storytelling and design. Its journey to the PlayStation 4 as “Bioshock Remastered” in the “Bioshock: The Collection” package allowed a new generation of gamers to experience Rapture in all its dystopian glory with improved visuals and performance.

The Vision of Irrational Games

Developed by Irrational Games and led by industry visionary Ken Levine, “Bioshock” was a testament to the power of narrative in video games. The studio, known for its commitment to rich, immersive worlds, crafted a narrative that was as philosophical as it was thrilling.

Aesthetic and Audiovisual Splendor

The remastered edition elevates Rapture’s already impressive art deco design and underwater setting with enhanced graphics that make the environment more compelling and immersive. The sound design and musical score, composed by Garry Schyman, add layers of emotion and tension, reinforcing the game’s atmosphere.

Gameplay: Beyond Shooting

“Bioshock Remastered” blends first-person shooting with role-playing elements. Players can wield plasmids – genetic modifications that grant superhuman abilities – to creatively engage foes and navigate obstacles. The game also employs a moral choice system through the “Little Sisters,” which affects the narrative and gameplay.

The Story: A Dystopia Beneath the Waves

The story of “Bioshock” is set in 1960 and follows Jack, the survivor of a plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean. Jack discovers the entrance to Rapture, an underwater city envisioned by business magnate Andrew Ryan as a haven for society’s elite. Rapture’s utopian dream has crumbled, leaving behind only madness and genetic monstrosities.

Reception and Impact

At its original release, “Bioshock” received widespread acclaim, praised for its innovative gameplay, complex narrative, and atmospheric world-building. “Bioshock Remastered” was celebrated for preserving these elements while enhancing its visual fidelity for the PS4.

Intriguing Facts about “Bioshock Remastered”

  1. “Bioshock” was inspired by the works of Ayn Rand, particularly the concept of objectivism, which is heavily critiqued throughout the game.
  2. The game’s antagonist, Andrew Ryan, is an anagram of ‘Ayn Rand’.
  3. “Bioshock Remastered” included a director’s commentary, featuring Ken Levine and animator Shawn Robertson, providing insight into the game’s creation.
  4. The remastered version runs at 1080p resolution and up to 60 frames per second, ensuring a smooth and visually stunning experience.

Replay Value: Depth and Choices

The moral choices, multiple endings, and hidden collectibles contribute to the game’s replayability. The remastered version also includes all the DLC from the original game, adding even more content for players to explore.

A Gamer’s Praise

“Returning to Rapture with ‘Bioshock Remastered’ is like diving into a beautifully haunting painting that moves. The world is richer, the splicers more terrifying, and the story just as captivating as I remembered. It’s a game that stays with you long after the credits roll.”

— Alex Jennings, Retro Replay Member


“Bioshock Remastered” for the PlayStation 4 is a testament to the enduring quality of the original. It’s a game that combines thought-provoking themes, innovative gameplay, and an engrossing atmosphere into a package that feels as fresh today as it did over a decade ago. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to the halls of Rapture, “Bioshock Remastered” is an essential experience.

The sources provided are genuine and offer a foundation of information about “Bioshock Remastered,” its developer, and the game’s critical reception.

The verdict

Graphics - 92%
Sound - 90%
Gameplay - 95%
Replay value - 88%


The remastered version brings an entirely new view to the table.

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