#cod #modernwarfare2 gameplay (hard point / ffa / domination) 4k

So I haven’t played call of duty since the PS3 era and my young teenage son talked me into trying this game and it is a lot of fun. This is some of my recent gameplay, first place in a match is kind of a big deal for me so I figured I would share😂. I am a noob all over again but really enjoying myself. My son is really pretty damn good at this game, so I will start uploading his videos to this playlist as well because they are much more interesting than mine. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated. Also, is fine tuning worth it?

00:01 Match 1 was a free for all at the embassy.
1st place: dmb062082
2nd place: King Krillz
3rd place Dniquehg 17th
4th tony
7th owright23

10:53 Match 2 was domination on farm 18.
1st place: dmb062082
2nd place: [TKOF] BraveBotanist
3rd EazyBreeZeYbby
4th Metallic
5th [Ckai] boddah1
6th Mohamed62538

19:30 Match 3 was hardpoint on Breenbergh hotel.
1st place shadyy24
2nd sashh97
3rd dmb062082
4th bloodsweattear26
5th thatguy809620

28:17 Match 4 was a free for all on Mercado Las Almas.

1st Beastmaster4564
2nd dmb062082
3rd [BOT] Meekgalaxy41229
4th [LPB] Beamin50
5th Tboneizzle
6th cristian-c-z-b
7th Magicaltoaster55
8th I am Tekkno


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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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