Donkey Kong Comparison (Arcade, NES, Gameboy) 1981 – 1994

#dk #arcade #nintendo #donkeykong #nes #gameboy #gb #comparison #Commentary

Arcade Version 00:00:35

NES Version 00:02:58

Gameboy Version 00:05:41 *Game appears to be optimized for GBC like Pokemon Yellow.

00:00:35 – Hello again fellow retro gaming fans Ryan McQuinn here, and in todays video I planned on doing a comparison video of 3 different version of Donkey Kong. The USA Arcade version, The NES Version and the Gameboy version.

00:01:27 – I remember Donkey Kong in the arcade when I was a kid. I loved it so much that my parents got it for me on the NES. By the time I had an NES my parents had already sold the Atari. I bought another one years later but I still preferred the NES version over the Atari one.

00:03:37 – You’ll notice differences in the Arcade version and the NES version. NES has an extra stage, Arcade has a hammer in the bottom right corner of the first stage where NES doesn’t. In the arcade version Donkey Kong Sneers as he carries off Pauline, on the NES he doesn’t.

00:05:41 – Then I got to the Gameboy version. When I was younger my little brother got this game for his birthday. But before I could try playing it he traded it in at funcoland, which is a store similar to gamestop or ebgames. I wish I had bought this game later on but it slipped my mind. So here I am playing it and at first I expected it to be a port from the original. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it’s far better than I had anticipated!

00:10:09 – They have new obstacles, new items like keys to open locked doors. The new ability to throw certain enemies like in super bros. mario 2. I have to say I’m very impressed with it.

00:27:45 – I am going to record a complete playthrough later so keep an eye out for it.

00:28:37 – Thank you for watching and if you enjoyed this video give it a like and to see more content click the subscribe button. We’ll see you next time and have a good one.

–I’ve dedicated this video to my father in-law, Donkey Kong was his favorite game. He passed away in 2020.–


About Retro Gaming Replay

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I like Retro Gaming and I can not lie. I spend all day retro gaming and all night dreaming about Retro Gaming. I have a Sonic Tattoo on my back, and a Dragon Warrior logo tattoo on my chest. Long live retro.

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